Sunday, January 29, 2012

Houston, here we come!

Well, actually, we're already here. It took us about 9 hours from dropping the girls off with David's sisters, but we stopped for a lunch date and a bit of antiquing! Nice hotel location, with a shuttle service to the hospital.  I have my husband, sister, mother and father here with me so of course the first thing we did was find a restaurant after getting checked in.  Have to enjoy a few meals before a week of LOVELY hospital food, a restricted diet of hospital food at that!

I've been bugging Dr. Sister incessantly about the little details regarding the surgery. Again, my lack of patience reveals itself! I can't wait just a couple days to discuss the details with the surgeon actually DOING the procedure, nope I have to research it and nitpick over everything =)

I think the thing I'm having the most trouble with is the fact that the first broken bone I will have in my life is going to be my septum.  Or breastbone...I think it's the same thing...I guess we'll find out tomorrow!!  But in all honesty, I'm just ready to be done with the surgery. I know it will be painful and hard to recover but I'd rather be in pain and recovering (and HEALING) than waiting and worrying. And I'm already dying to get back to my girls! We hurried out this morning before dawn to avoid a big sobbing scene (David just can't handle his emotions sometimes, ha ha!) but I still welled up pretty good when Sophia just opened her eyes and looked at me.

And I really must take the time to mention that in the face of this critical surgery, I find myself completely in love with my friends, family, and coworkers that have been such an enormous help in all of this.  Whether it's been just a phone call to reassure me that they are thinking of me or letting me ramble on about my fears or even asking for the details each of you have made this entire situation so much easier to deal with.  I know it's scary for everyone but it's been an unbelievable help to know how much support and love we have behind us.  

Until tomorrow, then!

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