Well we managed to miss another big milestone, last month marked two years since my heart surgery. I'm happy to say that I'm still doing just fine, though I'm sure I would feel even better if I lost some weight. I'm hoping that some upcoming events will help motivate me to get myself to a more comfortable size. Thankfully the Hubby has unclenched some and has started to let me experiment a little more in the kitchen and had even started to make small changes on his own. Baby steps!
But with all happy news there must come some scary news. This Friday my baby girl is going to have surgery to remove her tonsils and adenoids and to put tubes in her ears. We decided to take the earliest appointment we could get with her ENT because her tonsils are seriously affecting her sleep. She constantly had these super dark circles under her eyes and snores so loudly you can just tell that she's not breathing very well. Not to Mentone the constant ear infections on top of numerous aliments throughout the entire cold and flu season add well as through the rest of the year. Nonetheless when I officially got the surgery date I freaked out. I've managed to calm myself by reading blog posts from other moms that went through it with their kiddos and felt validated that this isn't an elective surgery, it IS necessary and it DOES need to happen now. But it's still my baby. And it doesn't help that of course the little one who has the heart murmur is also the one with giant tonsils and adenoids that make her sound like Janice from Friends and gets ear infections at the drop of a hat. One of my coworkers commented that it seems like Sophia has been sick pretty much ever since I have worked at PharMerica (which is going on 10 months) and honestly, she mostly had been! A couple ear infections we were able to ward off without an antibiotic treatment but then she would get crap like RSV and strep and sinus infections. So here's hoping things can only get better for her!
As for big sister, she's just as healthy as can be, thank the Lord. She had a bit of a rough cough we have been keeping an eye on so we have had to put the girls in separate rooms just as a precaution. She doesn't quite understand what is going on at the end of this week but helped me make a list of soft foods that will be good on sister's sore throat. And she was ELATED to get the news that she gets all the red and purple popsicles.
So in conclusion, any prayers will be very welcome at this time. This mommy is still freaked out and the thought of all of our friends and family praying for us will help immensely.
Penny looks way too old in this pic.