Still doing pretty good! I did have to make an appointment to see my Cardiologist because I was gaining weight (all water weight) which isn't good, so she put me on a diuretic. That's been pretty awesome, the pounds have been shedding like crazy, so that's made me happy! I knew there was no possible way to have gained like 17 lbs in a week, but it's always reassuring to know it's all water weight! I'm still a little too uncomfortable to sleep all the way through the night, but if I miss my medication doses the morning is awful so it's a vicious cycle. However, I'm two weeks into recovery so I know I'm getting close to feeling back to normal, at least I hope.
The hardest thing has been accepting that there are things I can't do, especially when it comes to my girls. Sophia does NOT like it when she reaches out for me and I don't pick her up. Penny has been pretty good, though. She asks to see my "owie" and each time she saw it before it was healed up she would say "aw, poor baby!" and kiss it better =) She's been feeling sick (yet another ear infection!) so she's been even more of a drama queen. That's been fun! Still, she LOVED the snow we got this week!
My mom has been amazing. We're definitely in a transition stage and learning how to live together again. Hopefully by the time David and the girls move in we will be at a place where we can have some peace of mind instead of the constant stress. But she has been such a big help, it's been great. I can do VERY little around the house, which takes some patience.
I saw my primary doctor earlier this week as well, just to check in with her and give her all the info about the surgery. Nothing really exciting happened there, thank goodness. I'm not sure I can handle another health scare!!
As for my extremely amazing husband, *sigh* there are no words!! He has basically been a single parent since he came back from Houston, which is NOT easy! We got to spend a weekend all together because of the snowstorm we had, but other than that he has done it all on his own while still trying to pack up the apartment before our lease is up on the 29th. He deserves MAJOR kudos!
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